
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Pacific Climate Warriors Roll Out Anti-Coal "Red Carpet" for Angela Merkel at UN Climate Talks

Broadcasting from the U.N. climate summit in Bonn, Germany, we look at protests underway against oil, coal, gas and nuclear power. Indian activists are demonstrating against India’s largest nuclear power station, the Kudankulam plant in India’s southern state of Tamil Nadu. Activists also disrupted a presentation by the European Investment Bank at an annual corporate conference held alongside the climate summit here in Bonn, with a protest against the construction of the Trans Adriatic gas pipeline, known as TAP, which is slated to run from the Greek-Turkish border, under the Adriatic Sea and into Italy. Meanwhile, activists had a special welcome ready for German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday before her address to the conference. _Please check back later for full transcript._