
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Amanatidis’ intervention at the 13th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (20-21 November 2017, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar)

Madam Minister of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar,Madam EU High Representative for Foreign and Defence Policy and Vice President of the European Commission,Your Excellencies Ministers and Ambassadors,Ladies and Gentlemen,Since its founding in 1994, the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process has played a pivotal role as a forum promoting and facilitating connection between Asia and Europe, particularly through promotion of political dialogue, deepening of economic relations, and strengthening of cultural ties.In this context, the notion of connectivity could be the flagship for the further promotion of the targets, operation and effectiveness of ASEM.The Asian and European partners alike have committed to a number of specific projects related to various aspects of connectivity, whether in the literal sense (hard connectivity), including infrastructure, transport, energy, or in the sense of soft connectivity, which includes cultural exchanges and connections between citizens.In light of this, connectivity should be perceived as a driver of inclusive growth for the countries of Asia and Europe.At the crossroads of East and West, Greece offers a natural gateway between Europe and Asia, and at the same time it is a pole of stability in its region. Given its extensive experience and know-how, thanks to its more than 36 years as a member state of the European Union, Greece can assume a key role in connecting Asia with Europe and promoting cooperation between the two continents in a variety of sectors and to the benefit of both sides.Greece wants to become a hub of cultural and technological connectivity between ASEM member states. My country sees this connectivity as a vital vehicle for bolstering not only the economic sector – particularly at the current time, as Greece steadily emerges from the economic difficulties it faced – but also in the sectors of culture, science and research.This is why I would like to underscore the benefits of capitalising on culture as a means of connectivity, with the aim of promoting peace and stability, as shown by the Ancient Civilizations Forum, an initiative taken by Minister of Foreign Affairs Kotzias.I am certain that, through our joint efforts, we can make the partnership that connects us through ASEM more dynamic, with positive results for the prosperity of the peoples on both continents.Finally, allow me to express my sincere gratitude to our hosts for their kind invitation and hospitality.