
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, T. Quick, on visit to South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, heading SEV mission

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Terens Quick, is in Johannesburg as of today, heading a business mission organized by the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) and the Greek-African Chamber of South Africa, Botswana and Mozambique. This business mission is the result of meetings and consultations the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs held, last February, with Ministers and institutions of the said countries, in parallel with meetings with diaspora organizations, on updating political and diplomatic relations and bolstering the Greek economy’s international orientation. In the context of the mission, the official opening of the business forum and B2B meetings in Johannesburg, Maputo and Gabarone is scheduled for tomorrow, along with meetings Mr. Quick will have with officials from the respective governments. In South Africa, Mr. Quick will be attending the annual General Assembly of the Federation of Greek Communities and Associations of South Africa. Finally, he will be representing the Greek government at a special event organized by the Federation in honour of the 90th birthday of Greek-South African, Georgios Bizos, one of the country’s emblematic figures, who, under the Apartheid regime, was Nelson Mandela’s lawyer, and subsequently one of the chief architects of South Africa’s Constitution.