
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Visit of Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Giorgos Katrougalos, to Colombia (27 October 2017)

On the second stop on his tour of South America, which is aimed at imparting momentum to economic relations with the region’s countries, Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Giorgos Katrougalos met on 27 October, at the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with his counterpart, Patti Londoño.Mr. Katrougalos also met at length with representatives from the Ministries of Trade, Labour, Education, e-Administration and Shipping, with whom he explored the potential for bilateral cooperation in all of the above sectors ahead of the Colombian Foreign Minister’s upcoming visit to Greece.Earlier, the Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs had met with the head of the ProColombia Organization, the counterpart of Enterprise Greece, for the purpose of exploring mutually beneficial bilateral synergies. On the afternoon of the same day, Mr. Katrougalos delivered a lecture at the Colombian Diplomatic Academy, in cooperation with the University of los Andes, on the subject of the future of Europe, and in the evening he attended a dinner hosted by the Greek community in Bogota. This was the first visit to Colombia by a Greek Minister.