
Friday, October 20, 2017

The EU summit, Brexit, and Theresa May: who said what?

Take our quiz to see how closely you’ve been following the latest Brexit negotiations, arguments and machinations “The enemy, the opponents, are out there. They’re on the other side of the negotiating table. Those are the people we have to negotiate with." Philip Hammond Boris Johnson David Davis Nigel Farage Who recommended Theresa May give a speech admitting Brexit "cannot be done"? Peter Mandelson Tony Blair Alastair Campbell Gordon Brown "I think it is unthinkable that there would be no deal. It is so much in their interest as well as in ours." Philip Hammond Amber Rudd Michael Gove Iain Duncan Smith "We need to prepare for all the other alternatives." David Davis Theresa May Ken Clarke Amber Rudd Which country's leader said: "It's still not clear what the UK actually wants in terms of a new relationship." Ireland France Germany Greece Who said European leaders had been left “bemused and confused” by Britain's attitude towards the Brexit negotiations? Nicola Surgeon Jeremy Corbyn Chuka Umunna Yvette Cooper "This is a much better approach than threatening 'no deal'". Vince Cable Michel Barnier Nicola Sturgeon Diane Abbott "My advice would be, cut your losses. File an application for a Norway-style agreement for a period of five years after the expiration of the two-year Article 50 process." Mark Carney Thomas Piketty Ha-Joon Chang Yanis Varoufakis “Merkel could be the peace broker. She is the only hope.” Jeremy Corbyn Theresa May Vince Cable Nigel Farage “I don’t have any reason to believe we are not going to be successful." Theresa May Angel Merkel Emmanuel Macron Michel Barnier Continue reading...