
Sunday, September 17, 2017

First round of Greek-German inter-ministerial consultations on the level of Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Berlin, 15.09.2017)

The roadmap for the implementation of the Greek-German Bilateral Action Plan was drawn up jointly by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Greece and Germany at the first round of inter-ministerial consultations on the level of Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs, which took place on Friday, 15 September 2017, in Berlin. The Greek and German Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Interior, Economy, Energy, Culture and Youth recognized the good progress made in the framework of their bilateral cooperation since the signing of the Action Plan. The Action Plan for Bilateral Cooperation, which was signed in Athens on 4 December 2016, by the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Kotzias, and his German counterpart at the time, current federal President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, is a milestone in Greek-German relations, constituting the framework for new ideas and new activities, towards the intensification and qualitative enhancement of relations between the two countries. Following the first round of consultations, the head of the Greek delegation, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ioannis Amanatidis, stated the following: “Germany acknowledges the positive steps Greece has taken and will work to support the positive prospects of the Greek economy,” adding that “For our part, we support a european agenda that promotes policies and reforms that bolster growth, create new jobs and provide relief for the unemployment, particularly youth unemployment. We need to create opportunities for growth and job creation in Europe.” The roadmap for the implementation of the Greek-German Bilateral Action Plan consists of the following pillars: 1) Political cooperation: consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, cooperation between diplomatic academies, dialogue on migration2) Economic and technological cooperation: promotion of exports, cooperation in the sectors of energy, tourism3) Scientific, cultural and educational cooperation: research cooperation, professional training, cultural cooperation4) Cooperation on the social level: Greek-German Youth Office Meetings are scheduled to be held in the coming months – in Athens and Berlin – to monitor the implementation of the roadmap. The second round of consultations on the level of Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs will take place in Athens, by September 2018 at the latest.