
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Ministry of Foreign Affairs announcement on the participation of fYROM's Consul General in Toronto in an irredentist event

We condemn the participation of fYROM's Consul General in Toronto, Jovica Palacevski, in an irredentist event, a participation that constitutes yet another violation by fYROM of the Interim Accord, which requires abstention from any action supporting territorial claims.The backdrop of the platform from which Mr. Palacevski addressed he participants of this event depicted irredentist symbols and a map of fYROM that included Greek territory.FYROM's new government claims that it aspires to a new beginning in its relations with Greece. However, despite the change of leadership, it seems that irredentism continues to be the dominant state ideology and day-to-day political practice in our neighbouring country.The renouncement of irredentism, respect for borders, and practical compliance with the principles of good neighbourliness are necessary conditions for the realisation of fYROM's Euroatlantic aspirations.