
Monday, August 14, 2017

Abusive Brexit debate insults our intelligence

Both leavers and remainers seem to be descending into hyperbole and emotional invective against those they disagree with, readers say Gina Miller’s success in winning a parliamentary vote for whatever deal is finally struck between Britain and the EU was admirable, but it is obscene to invoke the India-Pakistan partition in 1947 in discussing Brexit (Britain must ask for more time to negotiate Brexit, 12 August). Others have compared the Brexit vote with Munich in 1938. Both the partition and the sacrifice of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany and the world war that followed were devastating events in human history, with the loss of millions of lives. Britain’s leaving the EU will certainly be disruptive, but its consequences cannot be predicted and it is highly unlikely that it will lead to a world war or massacres of innocent people. Since June last year remainers have accused Brexiters of being guided solely by their emotions, but the invective directed against leave voters has been equally emotional, sensational and utterly sentimental. The EU as it has developed is a large bureaucratic association, making decisions which in many cases have not been remotely beneficial to the peoples included in it. A prime example is the treatment of Greece over the past few years. It is time for both sides to calm down and try to work out a sensible and humane solution to the problems that arise from the decision to leave the European Union. LINDA EDMONDSON _Rowley, Shropshire_ Continue reading...