
Friday, August 25, 2017

17 high-paying jobs for people who love history

[parthenon greece vacation tourists]Weekend Wayfarers/Flickr You know what they say — those who study history are doomed to watch others repeat it. That being said, history buffs aren't necessarily doomed to a life of subpar wages, despite the anti-humanities naysayers. If you're dead set on pursuing your passion and entering a field that involves history or archaeology, you've actually got a couple of options when it comes to well-paid jobs. We checked out the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), a US Department of Labor database that compiles detailed information on hundreds of jobs, and looked at salary data on the US Bureau of Labor Statistics' website to find positions with a median annual salary of over $60,000 that require an extensive knowledge of history. O*NET ranks how important "knowledge of historical events and their causes, indicators, and effects on civilizations and cultures" is in any job, assigning each a "history importance level" between one and 100. Judging from this list, it's mostly academia or bust for history lovers. Sadly, historians themselves didn't make the cut — as the median pay for that job was $55,800 a year. Here are 17 high-paying positions with a history-importance level of 48 or higher: PARK NATURALISTS usacehq/Flickr MEDIAN SALARY: $61,110 HISTORY IMPORTANCE LEVEL: 74 Park naturalists plan, develop, and conduct programs to inform public of historical, natural, and scientific features of national, state, or local park. ARCHAEOLOGISTS roanokecollege/Flickr MEDIAN SALARY: $61,220 HISTORY IMPORTANCE LEVEL: 98 Archaeologists conduct research to reconstruct record of past human life and culture from human remains, artifacts, architectural features, and structures recovered through excavation, underwater recovery, or other means of discovery. ANTHROPOLOGISTS John Moore / Getty Images MEDIAN SALARY: $61,220 HISTORY IMPORTANCE LEVEL: 82 Anthropologists research, evaluate, and establish public policy concerning the origins of humans. SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDER