
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn at PMQs

Rolling coverage of the day’s political developments as they happen * PMQs - Snap verdict * PMQs - Verdict from the Twitter commentariat 1.29pm BST This is from the Sun’s STEVE HAWKES. Tories clearly been told to push the old Greece analogy today. Liz Truss has mentioned it three times, PM once, Damian Green once 1.21pm BST This is what political journalists and commentators are saying about PMQs. Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May both made a positive impression. .@jeremycorbyn has been transformed by the election: he speaks with an authority few thought he would ever have at dispatch box #PMQs OK, fair cop, I am going soft. But I am impressed by how composed and coherent PM was today, given pressure on her is massive #PMQs Snap verdict on PMQs: May forced to raise her game as Corbyn delivers sharper performance Rather good PMQs today. May and Corbyn batting above their average. Strong ideological divide. Who won depends on whose ideology you follow The relative noise from the opposing benches at PMQs indicates Tories think they won that. But Corbyn got some good soundbites in for news Focus on the economy and it's one of May's best #pmqs performances... almost as if they should have mentioned it during the election. Theresa May is slowly losing her position as PM. You can see it slipping away, as Jeremy Corbyn gets better at PMQs. #PMQs This is a proper ding-dong at #PMQs between Corbyn and May. If he'd performed like this for the last 18 months he could've won the election. Corbyn on form today: "The PM found £1bn to keep her own job, why can't she find the same money for the nurses who help us all?" #PMQs #PMQs review: May confirms that to end austerity, voters will need to end Conservative government. Have there been two more predictable + boring #PMQs opponents than May v Corbyn? Pygmies compared to Blair v Hague, Thatcher v Kinnock etc Theresa May seems to have suddenly remembered her party's achievements... Only a month too late #PMQs Somebody's writing better lines for Corbyn. "May spent £1bn to keep her job" and "week of flip-flopping and floundering" were good. #PMQs That was like PMQs from few years ago. Ultra-austerity from Tory PM, references to Labour's economic record. And cheery-seeming Tories MPs Theresa May has belatedly started attacking Labour on economic competence - something she didn't do during the election campaign. #PMQs Continue reading...