
Friday, June 23, 2017

The weekend cook: Thomasina Miers’ recipes for spatchcocked lemon chicken and peach cake

Spatchcocking exposes much more of the surface of a chicken to the heat source, and all but guarantees crisp, juicy results Cooking on an open fire has been a major trend in restaurants around the world for a while now. Last month, I was in Tulum, Mexico, on a research trip, and visited Hartwood, where the heat from the kitchen was extraordinary, as was the depth of flavour of its food. Meanwhile, I’ve heard so much from chef friends about Ekstedt in Stockholm that I am determined to visit as soon as I can. It is, I think, our Neanderthal love of fire that draws us to this type of cooking, but it doesn’t have to be rudimentary. Take today’s chicken: it is a great (and easy) skill to learn how to spatchcock a bird, not least because it means you expose much more of its surface area to the flame, and so maximise its flavour; the Greek-inspired marinade is a glorious way to souse any bird. For pudding, I recommend a peach cake that’s sweet, juicy and heady with the flavours of summer. Continue reading...