
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Deputy Foreign Minister I. Amanatidis' speech on World Red Cross Day (Zappeion)

Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my pleasure to be here today to celebrate World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. This anniversary coincides with the birth date of Henri Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross and the recipient of the first Nobel Peace Prize, in 1901, whose example is an inspiration to us all. In 1864 the “First Geneva Convention” was signed, establishing the International Red Cross Movement. Since then the Red Cross has played a decisive role, throughout the years, in dealing with numerous humanitarian crises. The activities of the Red Cross are without question a major achievement of human civilisation. In times of war, but also in times of peace, unbounded solidarity and relief of human pain – beyond borders and national, cultural or religious discrimination – are legacies that we need to defend daily and expand. The work the Red Cross does and the contribution it makes are multidimensional and internationally recognised. The International Red Cross Movement has evolved into the largest humanitarian network in the world, and it includes the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the National Societies, present and active in about 190 countries. Ladies and Gentlemen, As far as our country is concerned, the International Red Cross Movement has been part of our collective memory ever since the Asia Minor Catastrophe. In the most difficult times for our people, the Red Cross, loyal to its values and principles, has helped our country, incorporating thousands of Greek volunteers into its organisation. However, its humanitarian contribution is not limited to the past. Today, the refugees crisis is an international challenge that calls for solidarity with the afflicted populations, and Greece is constantly present with the help of organizations and movements such as the Red Cross. In this context, the Greek Foreign Ministry is in contact with leading members of the international movement, such as the Secretary General of the International Federation of the Red Cross in Geneva, Mr. Elhadj As Sy. I have also welcomed to Athens the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Mr. Peter Maurer, the Regional Director for Europe of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Mr. RĂ©gis Savioz, and the Head of the ICRC Mission in our country, Mrs. Sari Nissi. Our collective, universal response to the global challenge that is the refugee crisis, and recognition of the Greek government's unstinting efforts to support and show solidarity with refugee populations mobilise us even further to jointly plan initiatives and actions. Today's anniversary is not just a reminder of the principles of the Red Cross, but also a starting point for our dynamic actions that are committed to alleviating human suffering and protecting human life and dignity. Thank you.