
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Netflix and Tesla overrated? Yes, in this mad, mad world

UK’s top fund management groups list them as among the most overpriced shares on Wall Street I love Netflix – I watch it more now than any broadcast TV channel. I love Tesla cars, though I doubt I’ll ever be able to afford one. But according to one of the UK’s top fund management groups, both are among the most overpriced shares on Wall Street, a stock market that under President Trump is – to use a phrase he rather likes – one of the most overrated in the world. We are at a strange juncture in financial history, with a madman in the White House, Britain breaking itself into pieces, interest rates on the march up (in the US at least), the economy barely bigger than it was a decade ago, Greece in desperate straits and global debt at eye-watering levels. Yet almost every day the S&P 500 and the FTSE 100 break new records. Continue reading...