
Monday, March 13, 2017

John Lewis Blasts Steve King's 'Bigoted And Racist' Comments

Source: - Monday, March 13, 2017 Longtime civil rights champion Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) slammed Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) Monday for “bigoted and racist” comments that appeared to support white nationalism. This is bigoted & racist. It suggests there is one tradition & one appearance that all humanity should conform to. — John Lewis (@repjohnlewis) March 13, 2017 These ideas have given rise to some of the worst atrocities in human history, and they must be condemned. — John Lewis (@repjohnlewis) March 13, 2017 King landed himself in hot water Sunday when he retweeted an Islamophobic cartoon and praised the illustrator for understanding “that culture and demographics are our destiny.” “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” King tweeted, apparently an attack on Muslims and immigrants entering the U.S. The backlash intensified on Monday after an unbowed King appeared on CNN’s “New Day.”  “I meant exactly what I said,” King told CNN’s Chris Cuomo, adding that he’d like the U.S. to be “so homogenous that we look a lot the same.” Lewis, who has been the target of King’s vitriol in the past , called the statement “deeply disturbing” in a press release. My colleague has made a deeply disturbing statement because it ignores the truth about the history of this nation. Western civilization did not create itself.  It was founded on traditions that emerged from Africa, Iran, China, Greece and Rome and ot All Related | More on Steve King