
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Greek Police Investigates 8 More Parcel Bombs Addressed to EU Experts

Police in Greece have discovered another eight parcel bombs intended for financial experts in the European Union. The anti-terrorist services reckon that the action was carried out by anarchists from the organisation Conspiracy of Fire Cells. So far, eight parcels with explosives have been discovered in the mail. The mechanism of the explosive device is identical with the one contained in the parcel sent to German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble. Inspections continue in all post offices and at Athens Airport where the police suspect more parcels with explosives have been sent. The anti-terrorist services expect to find fingerprints in order to discover the perpetrators. The police think the entire action with the parcel bombs is the work of Greek anarchists but they have not yet claimed responsibility for seven of the parcels, thus further developments are to be expected. The parcel bombs are addressed to financial experts in the European Union who are linked to the economic meausres of Greek creditors. The police are also working on a possible link between the Greek anarchists and an international organisation.