
Sunday, March 26, 2017

‘Aren’t you that Zeus geezer?’ – the hunt for my classical doppelganger

A museum in Quebec is offering to find your lookalike among its ancient sculptures using facial recognition software Past searches for my doppelganger proved disappointing. A website I uploaded a picture to some months ago promised to locate an identical stranger, but then responded with two pictures of German guys who looked nothing like me. When I refused to acknowledge either as a dead ringer, the website stopped sending me prospective matches. My plans to seek employment as somebody else’s evil twin were put on hold. But what if my true doppelganger belonged to another era? The Musée de la Civilisation in Quebec has launched a project called My 2,000-Year-Old Double, allowing anyone to track down their twin among the statues of antiquity. Upload a photo (no smiling; think like a block of marble) and your features will be measured to locate your closest match from the museum’s admittedly narrow database of 60 Greek and Roman sculptures. The best looky-likies will be photographed to appear in an exhibition alongside their ancient counterparts. I am resolved to find mine. Continue reading...