
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Unhappy Valentines: romantic holiday disasters

Few things conjure up the idea of romance like an exotic trip with a partner, though the reality can be excruciatingly different, as these writers discovered In 2004 I went on a two-week group holiday with some friends to Sidari in Greece. They were all couples and I was the only singleton so felt a bit left out. When I met a hot Greek waiter called Spiros (you couldn’t make this stereotype up!) on the third night, I fell for his charms and muscly arms. He was blonde, blue-eyed and very cute. We went on a couple of dates after he finished work during my first week then I thought, ‘what the hell - throw caution to the wind’ and decided to take things further. One night, drunk on ouzo, I invited him back to my apartment. He told me he’d finish work in an hour and would come over then. Continue reading...