
Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Latest: Hungary to put refugees in border container camp

A Hungarian official says that the government plans to hold migrants in border camps of shipping containers while their asylum requests are settled. Migrants detained within eight kilometers (five miles) of the border are sent back across the fences Hungary has built on its southern borders with Serbia and Croatia. Authorities in Macedonia say they have returned 49 refugees and migrants to Greece from a refugee camp near its border with Serbia as part of a readmission agreement with the European Union. A police official told The Associated Press the refugees were transported by bus to Greece from the Tabanovce refugee camp. Home Secretary Amber Rudd says the decision was made after France raised concerns that government actions were acting as a draw to encourage children to make the perilous journey to the continent. Three employees with Swedish broadcaster SVT have been sentenced to community work after being convicted of human smuggling for bringing a 15-year Syrian boy to Sweden during the 2015 migrant influx that swept across Europe.