
Saturday, February 11, 2017

How to know if you're dating a narcissist

[narcissism]Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica Someone who is grandiose, has a lack of empathy for other people, and has a desperate need for admiration and attention is often described as having Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD.) In Greek Mythology, Narcissus was known for his own beauty and was in love with himself. In reality, narcissism is when someone is obsessed with an idealised version of themselves, which they project to avoid facing their real, damaged self. Dating someone new can be hard enough, but it can be especially challenging if you start seeing someone who believes they are superior or special to everyone else — because that probably includes you. This can bring a lot of different issues to the relationship that can be damaging if you don't know how to handle them. We've looked into the research and found the traits you are likely to encounter if you meet a narcissist, or the warning signs if you're already dating one. YOU MAY FEEL LIKE YOU'RE CONSTANTLY BEING USED. Diariocritico de Venezuela/Flickr Psychologist Dr Neil J Lavender wrote in a blog post for Psychology Today that narcissists are notorious for having a sense of entitlement, and so will have no problem with using you for whatever needs they want fulfilling. This could mean borrowing your things and not returning them, including your ideas, and using your own worth to make themselves look better.  THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO IMPRESSIVE PEOPLE, BECAUSE THAT HELPS WITH THEIR OWN SELF IMAGE. geralt / Pixabay Some research has suggested that narcissists are especially hostile during conflicts with their romantic partners, such as one study which followed 146 newlywed couples and assessed them six times over the first four years of marriage. This is because having a grandiose personality means they think they are the hero of the situation every time, which makes it hard for them to consider that they may be wrong. Another study looked at 190 couples at college, and showed that aggression between them was higher when a partner engaged in what they called "grandiose exhibitionism," or showing off. NARCISSISTS TEND TO SUCK YOU IN AND THEN ABANDON YOU. Allie Haroutunian / Unsplash Expect to be used by a narcissist and then dropped quickly and brutally. According to Lavender, they can make you feel like the greatest thing in the world when you first meet, but this will quickly turn into contempt when you inevitably disappoint them. This can lead to them completely devaluing you and your life, ending with them cutting you out of their lives completely.  SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDER