
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Fewer Europeans Support Further EU Integration

After US President Donald Trump approved of Brexit and called the EU a transport vehicle for Germany, the President of the European Council Donald Tusk called on the leaders of member-states to adopt serious measures which confirm the processes of further integration. But the majority of citizens of some countries in the EU disagree with such further integration and rather approve of disintegration in the EU. According to a survey of Pew Research Centre, cited by BNR, 68% of Greeks think that some of the common European powers must be returned to the national government, while only 8% approve of further integration. The same survey showed that 39% of Italians, 35% of the French and 44% of the Dutch are against deeper integration within the framework of the EU and demand greater powers for national governments. The fact that 43% of the Germans are against further integration, while merely 26% support it is of special significance.