
Monday, February 6, 2017

British firms suffer Brexit impact, as ECB's Draghi warns on US protectionism – live

Half of UK bosses report that their firms are suffering from the vote to leave the EU; ECB’s Draghi worried by US administration comments * Draghi - last thing we need is relaxation of regulations * SURVEY: 58% of UK bosses report negative impact from Brexit already * Firms particularly worried about labour shortages, says poll * Price rises looming; Ryanir profits hit * German factories have strong December * 1p off a pint to fight Brexit costs? * Coming up: MPs hold inquiry into Gig economy (and fiery Vauxhalls) 4.01pm GMT _For inflation to be 2%, it will have to be higher in Germany (since it will be lower elsewhere). So what level would you like to see?_ Inflation differentials are not a new thing. Our objective is defined as the inflation rate for whole eurozone not individual countries. 3.57pm GMT On Greece, Draghi said: Draghi: in order for Greece to be included in QE a) Greek debt must be sustainable & b) review must be completed. What we all already know but some don't want to admit: there are low chances of this happening. Nothing to see here. Continue reading...