
Saturday, January 21, 2017

Reality Is Not What It Seems by Carlo Rovelli review – physics versus certainty

The author of the million-selling Seven Brief Lessons on Physics rails against Richard Dawkins and the science-arts split Carlo Rovelli’s slim poetic meditation _Seven Brief Lessons on Physics_ managed to clarify the troubling uncertainties of Einsteinian relativity, quantum theory and other physical exotica. Less than 80 pages long, it became one of the fastest-selling science books ever, and has now sold a million copies worldwide. Not since Stephen Hawking’s _A Brief History of Time_ had there been such a consensual success in the science book market; in the author’s native Italy the lessons even outsold _Fifty Shades of Grey_. _Reality Is Not What It Seems_ – a deeper, more intellectually challenging meditation – outlines for the general reader some of the key developments in physics from the ancient Greek philosophers and the Roman poet Lucretius to the present day. In the Italian professor’s elucidation, physics goes deeper than any other science into the riddle of existence. The laws of physics – gravity, energy, motion – underpin those of chemistry, astrophysics and meteorology combined. So an understanding of the world requires some grasp of physics. This book aims to make that grasp easier for the layperson. Continue reading...