
Friday, December 9, 2016

Help Refugees: 'We will never abandon them'

The grassroots aid group working to move babies, children and their families out of freezing conditions in Greek refugee camps • CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO OUR APPEAL “Please let me know if there’s anything you can do for this woman,” says the voice in the Whatsapp recording. “She’s about to give birth any day, she’s living in a tent, and the conditions are awful.” Driving through northern Greece on a recent December night, a pair of volunteers from the grassroots aid group Help Refugees have just received this SOS from another aid worker. It is 7.32pm, and a young Afghan refugee is about to go into labour at one of Greece’s worst refugee camps. It is a few dozen tents on a remote and windswept hillside – but the government and the UN refugee agency can’t move her anywhere better. Can Help Refugees? Continue reading...