
Friday, September 16, 2016

More migrants stuck in Balkans as nations fortify borders

[A Serbian police officer stands in front of migrants who wait in line for lunch in the transit center for refugees in Sid, about 100 km west from Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016. After the former Balkan migrant route leading from Turkey through Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia was closed in March, governments are looking for ways to fortify the borders fearing a new massive influx of people from the Middle East, Asia or Africa. Migrants keep on pouring in _ not in tens of thousands, but hundreds a day _ despite an EU-Turkey deal aimed at keeping the migrants away from Europe after more than one million people entered last year. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)]SID, Serbia (AP) — For Mohammad Ansar Al Mansouri, reaching the European Union has proved to be an impossible task. In the past two months, the 28-year-old from Pakistan has tried countless times to cross from Serbia into EU members states Hungary or Croatia, but was always chased back by police guarding their borders.