
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Austria says may sue Hungary over migrants, plans new border restrictions

[A migrant carries a child on his shoulders as they walk to cross the border with Austria in Hegyeshalom]By Shadia Nasralla VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria's interior minister threatened on Wednesday to sue Hungary if it refused to take back migrants crossing their shared border, in an escalation of tensions over immigration ahead of next month's presidential election. Pressured by a surge in support for the far-right Freedom Party (FPO), Austria's government has repeatedly accused Hungary of letting migrants enter its territory in defiance of European Union rules that asylum seekers must stay in the first country they enter in the bloc. Hungary, which is preparing for a referendum on whether to accept an EU-wide asylum quota, has countered that most refugees enter its territory from other EU states, notably Italy and Greece, in a growing European blame game.