
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Turkish prosecutors seek 2 life sentences for Gulen

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Prosecutors in western Turkey have demanded a life sentence for U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Turkey accuses of masterminding the failed coup, the state-run news agency reported Tuesday. On Tuesday, police in Istanbul launched simultaneous raids on 44 companies suspected of providing financial support to Gulen's movement while authorities issued warrants to detain 120 company executives, Anadolu reported. [...] Turkey made a formal request to Greece for the extradition of eight Turkish officers who fled to the neighboring country after last month's attempted coup, the state-run news agency reported Tuesday. A Justice Ministry file had been delivered to Greece requesting the officers' return over charges that include breaching the Constitution through the use of force, plotting to kill the president and crimes against the parliament and government, Anadolu reported. The government declared a state of emergency and launched a massive crackdown on Gulen's supporters in the aftermath of the coup, raising concerns among European nations and human rights organizations who have urged restraint.