
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The 15 best party destinations in Europe

[Amsterdam party]Levas/Shutterstock Europeans know how to throw a good party. But, when it comes to world-renowned clubs, live music, and scenic venues, some places on the continent have more to offer partygoers than others. That's why we've compiled a ranking of the European destinations with the best nightlife, from club-heavy islands like Ibiza to cities like Budapest, where locals spend the night partying in historic spas. Here are our top 15 places to party in Europe: 15. THE CITY OF THESSALONIKI IN GREECE IS FULL OF STUDENTS, SO THERE'S ALWAYS A PARTY GOING ON SOMEWHERE — TAKE YOUR PICK FROM LIVE MUSIC CONCERTS TO TRENDY COCKTAIL BARS AND CLUBS. Ververidis Vasilis/Shutterstock 14. PARIS MAY BE AN ELEGANT CITY BUT IT'S ALSO A GREAT PLACE FOR A NIGHT OUT, WITH PLENTY OF HIP BARS AND CLUBS AS WELL AS FESTIVALS LIKE ROCK EN SEINE — A THREE-DAY EVENT THAT TAKES PLACE EVERY SUMMER IN THE PICTURESQUE CHÂTEAU DE SAINT-CLOUD'S PARK. Christian Bertrand/Shutterstock 13. MUNICH IS HOME TO THE WORLD'S LARGEST BEER FESTIVAL EACH AUTUMN. BUT THERE'S MORE TO THE BAVARIAN CITY THAN OKTOBERFEST, WITH A PLETHORA OF LIVELY BEER HALLS, CABARET CLUBS, AND COCKTAILS BARS TO PLEASE PARTYGOERS YEAR-ROUND. Johannes Simon/Stringer SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDER