
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Looking on the bright side of Brexit

David Evans’ sister (Letters, 21 July) needs to see something a bit more positive about Brexit in your newspaper, and as a remainer I have been compelled to find something to cheer myself up with. Maybe it’s not all gloomy. The poorer countries of Europe not only want there to be jobs in our country for their workers, they need our financial help as well, and our economy, comparatively speaking, is strong. Greece will need more money from somewhere, and Italy is soon likely be a mendicant. Germany understandably has said that it is not prepared to do all the financial heavy lifting. There are several European countries willing to woo us too for our assistance. In global affairs, we are a strong member of Nato and have an important role in the UN as a member of the security council. Historically, we have world experience in trade, politics and defence, and our Queen is head of the Commonwealth. An ever more English-speaking world is something beneficial to us. Regardless of Trump, our special relationship with the US is real. These are considerable assets with which David Davis and his team can bargain in their EU negotiations and with the world at large. When Boris Johnson decides, and let it be soon, that the foreign secretary is not going to be him, I am sure they will be able to get on with this work patiently and steadfastly. RICHARD WILSON _Oxford_ Continue reading...