
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A woman had to go on her honeymoon without her husband, and turned it into a hilarious photo album

[Huma Mobin]Facebook/Huma Mobin One woman took the "in good times and in bad" vows quite seriously, turning the experience of spending her honeymoon sans husband into a hilarious photo album. Huma Mobin married her husband Arsalaan Sever Butt last December. They were supposed to go to Greece for a second honeymoon last month, but she ended up having to leave her new husband behind, as he couldn't get his visa in time. Figuring that the trip was already paid for, she ended up going with her in-laws. Luckily, Mobin has a sense of humor, and turned what sounds like a nightmare for most into a funny series of photos. WHEN LIFE HANDS YOU LEMONS, MAKE LEMONADE. MOBIN, WHO WORKS FOR AD AGENCY BBDO, TURNED WHAT MANY OF US WOULD CONSIDER A NIGHTMARE, INTO A HILARIOUS STORY. Facebook/Huma Mobin WHEN HER HUSBAND COULDN'T GET HIS VISA TO GREECE IN TIME, MOBIN DECIDED TO TAKE HER IN-LAWS ON HER HONEYMOON INSTEAD. Facebook/Huma Mobin SHE THEN STUCK TO THE ITINERARY, VISITING ALL THE SITES THAT HER HUSBAND AND HER HAD WANTED TO SEE. Facebook/Huma Mobin SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDER