
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Trump: How many people know what ‘xenophobe’ means?

Donald Trump is not too worried about people calling him a “xenophobe” or “nativist,” if his comments to Boston radio host Howie Carr are any indication. Carr wrote in the Boston Herald on Thursday that aboard the presumptive Republican nominee’s plane after attending a rally in Bangor, Maine, he mentioned a protest sign earlier in the day in Boston, which he recalled as saying, “RACIST SEXIST BIGOT FASCIST XENOPHOBE ISLAMOPHOBE TRUMP.” “Hillary’s called me a ‘xenophobe’ a few times. How many people even know what the word means? Same with ‘nativist,'” Trump said, according to Carr’s account. Carr spoke at Trump’s event in Bangor, Maine, and proceeded to mock Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) with Indian war whoops, poking at the accusation that she secured a job at Harvard University by claiming Cherokee heritage. Warren, a Hillary Clinton surrogate who campaigned with the presumptive Democratic nominee on Monday in Ohio, has lashed out at Trump frequently for his rhetoric toward women and minorities. * [Donald Trump stands with his wife Melania Trump (center left) and from right: Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and Tiffany Trump. In the front row are Kai Trump and Donald Trump III, children of Donald Trump Jr] Also On Politico TRUMP’S CONVENTION STARS: HIS KIDS Hadas Gold After POLITICO published an article on Carr’s remarks, the radio host wrote that a Trump aide handed him his cellphone with the article. “That didn’t take long,” the Trump aide said, according to Carr. “I thought ‘cultural appropriation’ was a big deal for the PC police. The definition of which is ‘use of elements of one culture by members of a different culture without invitation or permission,'” Carr wrote. Trump’s advice, according to Carr: “Whatever you do, don’t apologize,” Trump said. “You never hear me apologize, do you? That’s what killed Jimmy the Greek way back. Remember? He was doing okay ’til he said he was sorry.”