
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Romania May Have to Give Priority to Gas, Power Supplies to Bulgarian, Greek Households in Crisis

Romania, the country in southeastern Europe least dependent on energy imports from Russia, may have to supply electricity and natural gas to households in Bulgaria and Greece in case of energy crisis in the region at the expense of Romanian industrial consumers, according to news website The proposal for energy supplies, which aims to impose the principle of energy solidarity in the EU, is part of the Energy Security Package of the European Commission, which is now before the bloc’s Council of Ministers. According to this principle, EU member states will be required to give priority to vulnerable consumers in neighboring countries at the expense of the gas needs of their own industrial consumers in case of major supply problems. Also, EU member states will have to give priority to supplying electricity to households in neighboring countries in the event of major disruptions under the proposal, according to Unlike Bulgaria, which imports from Russia almost all the gas it needs, and other countries in southeastern Europe, which also heavily depend on Russian gas supplies, Romania is least dependent on imports of Russian gas. Although all of Romania’s gas imports come from Russia, those imports only make up about a quarter of what the country needs to meet domestic demand, according to energy news website