
Thursday, June 9, 2016

Mario Draghi urges eurozone leaders to act 'without delay'

* ECB’s Draghi says eurozone is at risk of lasting damage * European markets fall * UK trade deficit narrows unexpectedly * George Soros: Brexit would trigger EU collapse * Poorest would be hit hard by Brexit costs, NIESR claims * US jobless claims fall more sharply than expected 2.08pm BST LAITH KHALAF, SENIOR ANALYST, HARGREAVES LANSDOWN, HAS A TAKE ON THE DROP IN 10-YEAR UK BOND YIELDS TO A RECORD LOW. While all eyes have been on the EU referendum campaign, gilt yields have been slipping, fast. The US Federal Reserve is backing away from interest rate rises following wavering employment data, and in Europe the central bank is pumping billions of euros into the bond market every month in the form of quantitative easing, both of which have served to drive yields down. 2.02pm BST Back at the Brussels Economic Forum, EUROPEAN COMMISSIONER PIERRE MOSCOVICI AND GREEK FINANCE MINISTER EUCLID TSAKALOTOS have both identified Brexit as a potential crisis facing Europe. Moscovici: A year ago we were talking about Grexit, now we are talking about positive integration. There are several crises around... Brexit, hopefully it will be remain but we await that... Continue reading...