
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

This is the most depressing chart for businesses everywhere

It's hard out there to grow a business. One chart from Societe Generale shows the scope of the slowdown in revenue growth. According to the Equity Strategy team, firms are not only facing an earnings recession, but revenues are also sinking as well. There are a number of reasons for the slowdown. In the US, the strength of the dollar and commodity prices have dragged down the revenues of many international and energy firms. Around the world, lackluster growth has people saving more and spending less. Add it all up and you've got no one's revenues growing. According to SocGen's breakdown, the phenomenon is worldwide. Companies in the US, UK, Japan, and Europe are all struggling with what SocGen called "anemic" growth, and in some cases revenue growth is actually negative. Not pretty. [Screen Shot 2016 05 25 at 8.27.57 AM] Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: FORMER GREEK FINANCE MINISTER: The single largest threat to the global economy