
Friday, May 20, 2016

Humanitarian aid quiz: are you good in a crisis?

Reckon you could teach world humanitarian summit delegates a thing or two about aid? Take our quiz and find out if you’re a wizard on human welfare The UN is currently responding to four "level-3" emergencies – the highest classification given for humanitarian crises. They are in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and where? South Sudan Afghanistan The Gambia In 2015, the UN experienced the largest funding shortfall for humanitarian appeals in its history. What percentage of required funds did it fail to receive? 15% 25% 45% Which country contributed the largest amount of humanitarian aid in 2015? Japan UK US Which country gave the most humanitarian aid as a percentage of its gross national income in 2014? Kuwait Australia Canada In 2014, Saudi Arabia became the sixth largest aid donor in the world, contributing $755m. Which country was the largest recipient of Saudi aid? Morocco Iraq Indonesia The UN is pushing for more funding to reduce the risk of devastation caused by natural disasters. What is the minimum percentage of national aid budgets the organisation would like spent on this? 1% 5% 10% Some EU countries, including Germany and the Netherlands, are the single biggest recipients of their own aid. True or false? True False Which country hosts the greatest number of refugees? Sweden Turkey Greece According to the UN, 80% of which country’s population is in need of urgent humanitarian assistance? Tanzania Yemen Philippines In 2014, the UK became the first G7 country to meet the UN's aid spending target. What is the target? 0.7% of gross national income 5.7% of gross national income 10.7% of gross national income 10 and above. Is that you, Ban? Perfect! 8 and above. Well done! You're clearly an industry insider. Now get back to work 7 and above. Well done! You're clearly an industry insider. Now get back to work 6 and above. When it comes to aid, you're mildly helpful at best. Must try harder 5 and above. When it comes to aid, you're mildly helpful at best. Must try harder 4 and above. Don't imagine for one moment that you'll get away with blaming this woeful score on compassion fatigue 3 and above. Don't imagine for one moment that you'll get away with blaming this woeful score on compassion fatigue 2 and above. This human welfare business – not really your forte, is it? 1 and above. This human welfare business – not really your forte, is it? 0 and above. This human welfare business – not really your forte, is it? Continue reading...