
Monday, May 9, 2016

Greece Approves Changes to Tax, Pension Systems

Greek lawmakers passed late on Sunday a reform package reforming the country's tax and pension system. The move was considered essential for the Eurozone and the International Monetary Fund to secure a continuation of the third bailout package. _Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras attends a parliamentary debate on the draft bill for tax and pensions reforms in Athens, Greece, May 08, 2016._ Social security and pension reforms have been the focus of a dispute over the last months. In January and February, Greek farmers held protests across the country, blocking key junctions and main border crossings. Greece's Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos is set to meet Eurozone counterparts on Monday to discuss the further terms of the bailout, daily Kathimerini reports.   Hours before the vote, thousands of protesters clashed with police in front of Parliament, with a group of anarchists immersed in the crowd pelting officers with firebombs and projectiles. Demonstrators called on MPs to turn down the controversial legislation which they maintain would substantially reduce their income.