
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

EU referendum live – Vote Leave backtracks on energy bills claim

Live coverage as Johnson and Gove target fuel prices, Remain puts the business case, and latest poll shows gap narrowing between in and out * Read the EU referendum morning briefing * Michael Gove’s morning interviews - Summary * Chris Grayling’s Vote Leave speech - Summary * Lunchtime summary * Guardian/ICM phone and online polls both show Leave ahead 6.11pm BST The reason I think that it is legitimate to use the £350m figure is because that is the sum that we do send to Brussels and over which we have no control. Because after all what happens is about half of that disappears never to be seen again, and some of it goes to a Greek tobacco farmers, and some of it goes to support Spanish bull fighting and heaven knows what, we just - we don’t know what happens to it. It is in a sense a struggle between people who want to take back control, and a small group of people who do very well out of the current system and who know Christine Lagarde and can go “mwah mwah” with her at Davos, or whatever it happens to be. Of course they’re going to be in favour of the system. 5.48pm BST Nick Ryan, communications director for HOPE NOT HATE, has been in touch to say that, if there were protesters waiting for Nigel Farage, they were not from his organisation. For more on this, see the update at 4.34pm. Continue reading...