
Thursday, May 12, 2016

19 books that librarians say changed their lives

[reading]Christian Hartmann/Reuters Who better to take book advice from than a librarian?  In a recent blog post, the librarians of the New York Public Library revealed the books they're most thankful for. The NYPL team rounded up the 19 books that made them laugh, cry, and everything in between. The list includes something for everyone, ranging from classics like Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" to Cynthia Rylant's book of poems, "God Got a Dog." Keep reading to see the book recommendations.   "WATERSHIP DOWN" BY RICHARD ADAMS Amazon Despite the fact that Adams' novel is about a group of talking rabbits, the parallels between rabbit and human society are clear. The rabbits are in search of a new place to live in the English countryside after a land developer threatens their home. "Simply thinking about these brave little rabbits seeking their true homes is heartening," said Jenny Baum of the Jefferson market Library. _Buy the book here >>_ "MY FAMILY AND OTHER ANIMALS" BY GERALD DURRELL Amazon "My Family and Other Animals" follows the Durrell family to the Greek island of Corfu where they move after uprooting their lives in England for a warmer climate. It tells the story of a boy Gerry as he maneuvers the history, people, and animals of the island. "...This book will make you laugh until you weep," said Virginia Bartow, special collections cataloger. _Buy the book here >>_ "FAR FROM THE TREE" BY ANDREW SOLOMON Amazon Author Andrew Solomon spent ten years researching and interviewing parents for this award-winning series of stories about parents learning through raising their exceptional children.  Manager of Reader Services, Lynn Lobash, said, "If I had the power, I would make this required reading for all human beings."  _But the book here >>_ SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDER