
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The 7 most beautiful new libraries in the world

[beautiful new library]Lorne Bridgman On April 12, the American Institute of Architects and the American Library Association announced the seven winners for the 2016 AIA/ALA Library Building Awards. They aren't your run-of-the-mill nondescript libraries. For a library to be considered a beautiful new building, it has to display a unique and stunning reinvention of the traditional library design. And the awards go to ... RYERSON UNIVERSITY STUDENT LEARNING CENTRE, IN TORONTO, CANADA, OFFICIALLY OPENED IN FEBRUARY OF 2015. Younes Bounhar/Amanda Large THE EIGHT-FLOOR, OPEN-CONCEPT BUILDING WAS INSPIRED BY ANCIENT GREEK ARCHITECTURE THAT PRIZED A SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE TO EXCHANGE IDEAS. Lorne Bridgman THE RENOVATED SAWYER LIBRARY, OPENED AT WILLIAMS COLLEGE IN WILLIAMSTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS IN 2014, USES A RESTORED FACADE THAT WAS FIRST BUILT IN 1921. Peter Aaron SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDER