
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Markets brace for IMF growth forecasts and UK inflation – business live

All the day’s economic and financial news, including the International Monetary Fund’s latest World Economic Outlook at 2pm BST * Coming up: IMF Growth downgrades? 9.12am BST HOPES THAT GREECE AND ITS CREDITORS COULD MAKE A BREAKTHROUGH HAVE BEEN DASHED OVERNIGHT, PROBABLY TO NO-ONE’S GREAT SURPRISE. Talks between the two sides were adjourned early this morning, and will resume next week once the IMF’s Spring Meeting has concluded. “The Greek government and the four institutions agreed there was progress,” First "deadline" missed, onwards to the next one. Stop me if you've heard this one before #Greece 8.53am BST Tax avoidance by multinational corporations will be forced into the open under proposals to be unveiled by European regulators later today following the Panama Papers revelations. The European commission will put forward legislation requiring large multinationals operating in Europe to disclose where they make profits and where they pay tax on a country by country basis. Related: EU regulators demand greater tax transparency from multinationals Continue reading...