
Monday, February 29, 2016

Translating the Iliad: webchat with Caroline Alexander – live now

The latest translator of Homer’s masterpiece – the first woman to recreate it in English – will be here to answer your questions about tackling this ancient epic on MONDAY 29 FEBRUARY AT 1PM. Join the discussion below 1.35pm GMT MythicalMagpie _This might be rather cheeky, but there are so many English translations of the Iliad already. Why another one?_ Of all the modern translations few aim to stick closely to the Greek--Lattimore is the great exception. My idea of a good translation, which others may not share, is that it should stick closely to the Greek and it should evoke as much as possible the experience of reading the Greek. Mostly I did the translation because I love the Iliad and always knew I would do this; but I like to think my translation fills a niche. 1.34pm GMT just john _Did you find yourself humming as you wrote, and if so, what sort of music?_ Alas, no; I'm not musical enough. But I did feel the energy, the cadence, if that makes sense. I very much knew I was working in poetry not prose. Continue reading...