
Thursday, February 18, 2016

The 5 best handshakes of all time

[elbe day handshake world war ii 2]US National Archives and Records Administration Dating to 5th century BC in ancient Greece, a handshake symbolizes a done deal, a fond greeting, or deep respect between humans. Business Insider has combed through more than 2,500 years of history to bring you the five best handshakes of all time. 5. THE "YOU GOT THE JOB" HANDSHAKE Flickr/flazingo_photo Few acts can validate a person's best hopes and dreams like the firm handshake an employer offers when hiring an applicant. Simply put, this is a very personal, and truly great handshake that everyone in a modern economy should have at least once in their life.  4. US PRESIDENT WILLIAM MCKINLEY'S SIGNATURE HANDSHAKE T. Dart Walker via Wikimedia Commons During William McKinley's tenure as president he developed a specific handshake known as "McKinley Grip." He would warmly greet each recipient and offer his right hand, give a firm pump, and then quickly yank his hand away before the other party could reciprocate. All the while, his left hand would clasp the person's elbow, and give them a friendly but vigorous shake. The McKinley grip was ideal for greeting the thousands of Americans he would meet face to face during his tragically short tenure as president. As fate would have it, on September 6, 1901, a man approached McKinley for a routine handshake, McKinley noticed the man's right hand was bandaged and quickly offered his left hand to compensate. At that time the man drew a pistol and shot the president. Within a few days McKinley died of the gunshot wound sustained while offering up his signature handshake. 3. ANWAR SADAT, MENACHEM BEGIN, AND JIMMY CARTER ENGAGE IN A THREE WAY HANDSHAKE TO MARK THE END OF THE SIGNING OF THE ISRAELI-EGYPTIAN PEACE TREATY. Photo by Tel Or Beni/GPO/Getty Images Few handshakes in recorded history better display the gesture's ability to express respect and agreement than this rare three way shake between world leaders. This handshake came after 12 days of intense negotiation that would later become known as the Camp David Accords. The rift between Israel and the Arab world continues to cause violence and turmoil today, but this handshake marks a high point for diplomacy and peace in the middle east. SEE THE REST OF THE STORY AT BUSINESS INSIDER