
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Making bird’s nest soup with Lee Miller

Photographer Antony Penrose remembers his mother’s wild suppers In the years following my mother’s work as a war photographer for _Vogue_, she suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, and became an alcoholic and a depressive. Part of her recovery process was to reinvent herself as a gourmet cook. We were living in Farley Farm House in East Sussex, and food was a way for Lee to return to the real world, and be creative, fun and experimental. I was born in 1947; she and I had a very conflicted relationship. For the first 20 years of my life she was a pretty heavy-duty alcoholic, which created a gap between us. But she loved to encourage my curiosity, and one of the main ways she did so was through food. She and her friend Bettina McNulty would hang out in London, discovering new dishes and hunting down Egyptian, Greek, Turkish and Syrian ingredients. In those days food and cooking wasn’t nearly as diverse as it is now. Continue reading...