
Monday, February 22, 2016

Infant refugee becomes face of Australia's tough asylum seeker policies

[A banner calling for Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to allow the infant children of asylum seekers to remain in Australia is shown during a demonstration in Melbourne]By Colin Packham and Jarni Blakkarly SYDNEY (Reuters) - The significant sympathy generated by the detention and likely deportation of a baby girl born in Australia to Nepalese parents could be a watershed in public opinion about the country's harsh asylum seeker policies. The infant, known only by the pseudonym Asha, Nepalese for "hope", has humanised hundreds of anonymous asylum seekers who are faced with deportation from Australia to a detention camp on the South Pacific island of Nauru. The outpouring of public support, including an overnight blockade at a Brisbane hospital where she was treated for severe burns, has been likened by some to the shocking images last year of a young Syrian asylum seeker dead on a Greek beach.