
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Gut instinct not heartache made Boris back Brexit

No one knows if we will be better off inside or outside the EU. The liars are those who claim to be certain Let’s talk about Brexit. It won’t do. I have to favour Bremain. Marginally. It’s not an ideal situation – but making choices between imperfect options is what the business of politics and diplomacy, not to mention the politics and diplomacy of business, is all about. Bremain has got the “r”, you see. The overlapping “r” makes some sense of the conflation of words. Grexit has the shared “e”, and the added bonus of assonance with the French word for Greece. But Brexit: what’s the logic? Two letters from Britain and then the entire word “exit”? Why? If you don’t have to have even one shared character between the fused words, then why not “Bexit”, “Britexit”, “Britainit”, “Bit”, “Britaxit”, “Exitbrit” or “Extain”? It’s no wonder those who came up with the word Brexit find it hard to believe that separate entities can be united to their mutual benefit. Continue reading...