
Monday, February 1, 2016

Chinese stocks slide after factory slowdown deepens

Rolling coverage of the latest economic and financial news, as China’s factory sector contracts for the sixth month running * Weak Chinese data: What the analysts say * Chinese market fell again today * The agenda 9.01am GMT Greece’s factory also stagnated last month: Markit Greek Manufacturing PMI Jan: 50.0 (prev 50.2) 9.01am GMT GERMANY’S FACTORY SECTOR MADE AN UNSPECTACULAR START TO 2016. The German manufacturing PMI came in at 52.3, down from 53.2 in December, indicating growth cooled at the start of 2016. The increase in new business was the least marked in four months. Weaker demand from export markets was one of the reasons for the slowdown in total new business. However, some panellists reported that the weak euro and improved demand from the US helped secure higher new export orders. Continue reading...