
Monday, February 1, 2016

As children die reaching for Europe's shores, empathy fades

Boats arrive on Europe's shores daily, or sink on the way — like the one that capsized off Turkey's coast on Saturday, killing at least 37 people including babies and other young children. Greek soccer players held a sit-in solidarity protest after the latest refugee drownings. [...] his lifeless, tidily-dressed body — first face-down on the sand, later in the arms of a police officer — captured the collective imagination like no other. The image became shorthand for the refugee crisis and government inaction. [...] two Islamic extremists mixed in with refugees and joined European-born radicals staging deadly attacks in Paris. In one, a boy about Aylan's age is lying on a rocky shore, a pacifier attached to his clothing with a plastic chain, a hat with a pompon on his small head. In Hungary, tabloid newspaper Blikk had a large back-page spread including a small photo of Aylan's body being carried by a rescuer and a close-up of the latest disaster. On Hungarian news website, several of the comments from readers blamed the parents for the drownings, saying they were irresponsible for undertaking unsafe journeys. The Italian navy, after a boat capsized last year with about 800 migrants trapped inside, refused to allow or distribute any images of the dead out of respect for their memory.