
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Labour may propose new Trident policy by Easter, Livingstone says

Rolling coverage of all the day’s political developments as they happen 10.39am GMT In the Commons Chris Grayling, the leader of the Commons, is responding to business questions. These sessions always start with the shadow leader of the Commons asking the leader of the Commons for a statement on the forthcoming business, but this morning CHRIS BRYANT opened by asking “the leader of the Out campaign” for the week’s business. 10.36am GMT PHILIP HAMMOND, the foreign secretary, is in Greece meeting his Greek counterpart, Nikos Kotzias, as part a tour of all 27 other EU member states he has been conducting in the course of the EU renegotiation. Later he will visit Turkey. In a statement he said: Britain and Greece have a number of issues of mutual interest including EU reform, Cyprus and migration into Greece - on which the UK is supporting Greece in meeting the challenges it faces on irregular migration. The UK is a strong supporter of a Cyprus settlement and the ongoing UN-led talks. Having visited both sides of the divide in Cyprus to offer Britain’s support in finding a solution, the visits to Athens and Ankara are an opportunity to discuss with the other guarantor powers what further steps we need to take to deliver the goal of a re-unified island. Continue reading...