
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Davos 2016: Lagarde and Tsipras discuss Greek reforms and debt relief

Rolling coverage of the second day of the World Economic Forum in Davos, and the ECB’s governing council meeting. * IMF: Greece needs debt relief and reforms * Protests in Athens over pension reforms 7.05pm GMT The Greek government says the talks between Lagarde and Tsipras were “sincere”. 6.50pm GMT CHRISTINE LAGARDE, HEAD OF THE IMF, HAS MET WITH ALEXIS TSIPRAS AT THE SIDELINES OF THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM. “The managing director reiterated that the IMF stands ready to continue to support Greece in achieving robust economic growth and sustainable public finances through a credible and comprehensive medium-term economic program. “Such a program would require strong economic policies, not least pension reforms as well as significant debt relief from Greece’s European partners to ensure that debt is on a sustainable downward trajectory.” Continue reading...