
Sunday, December 27, 2015

You don’t have to be vegetarian to think twice about processed meat. At least eating fish is good for you

The World Health Organisation found there was enough evidence to say that salted, cured, fermented or smoked meats were indeed carcinogenic Christmas is the time of the year when I struggle most with being a vegetarian. I gave up meat when I was 18, and it was an ethical decision. I loved the taste, and went on holiday to Greece, fairly gorging myself on lamb souvlaki before taking the plunge into a meatless existence. I was a fairly strict vegetarian – I ate eggs and dairy products but nothing that would involve killing an animal to furnish the food on my plate. (Although Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall once reminded me that the dairy industry involves quite a bit of death, if you’re a male calf, and it’s not all sweetness and light for the female calves and their mothers, either. Thanks for that, Hugh). I’m now one of those vegetarians I used to frown at – one who occasionally eats fish Continue reading...