
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Why I love package holidays

Two weeks on a Greek island for £150 including flights? Don’t mind if I do, says Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, who’s addicted to package-holiday bargains. Plus the best websites to find them There’s a certain type of person who is snobby about package holidays. I am not one of those people. Bargains excite me, so naturally I love a package holiday, and go on at least two a year, usually from Teletext holidays, a website with which I have been having an obsessive affair for several years now. Granted, there’s nothing particularly edgy or intrepid about a taking a Thomas Cook flight, hopping on an airport transfer bus, and washing down an all-you-can-eat buffet with a pina colada, followed by a fag on a sun lounger. But my god, it is cheap. Budget airlines and accommodation websites such as Airbnb have transformed the way we travel. As a result, the humble package holiday, which revolutionised foreign travel for millions of Brits in the 1960s and 70s, has become somewhat unfashionable and seen as, to use a horrible word,“common”. There’s certainly a class element to these negative perceptions. The sort of people who rent cottages in Cornwall or large houses in the south of France are always asking me, in a slightly snide way, when I’m off on another one of my Teletext jaunts. But more fool them. Two weeks on a Greek island for £150 including flights? Don’t mind if I do. Continue reading...